Friday, March 7, 2014

Phylum Porifera - Characteristics, Examples and Porifera Reproduction Process

Sponge is derived from the Latin name , porous and fer . Mean pore porous , and has a sense of bringing fer . It is also porous sponge Often called the animal or the which is one of the multicellular animal phyla Simplest form Compared with other animal phyla .
(see also: pakan burung)

Phylum Porifera - Characteristics , Examples and Porifera Reproduction Process
Image credi : Wikipedia.Org
Sponge living heterotrophic manner. The food is bacteria and plankton . The food that Enters the body within the fluid to form sponges also Referred to as liquid eaters . Sponge habitat is usually in the ocean .

The characteristics of Porifera
Sponges are animals of the phylum Porifera the ( / pɒ ; rɪ ; fə ; rə ; / ; , the which means the carrier pores ) . Their bodies Consist of jelly - like arrangement mesohyl sandwiched between two cells thick notes . While all animals have unspecialized cells that can be turned into some special cells, sponges are unique moment has most some special cells that can be turned into other types , Often migrating to the main cell arrangement and mesohyl within the system . Sponges do not have nervous , digestive or circulatory systems . Conversely , some great entrusted maintain a constant flow of water passing through their bodies For Obtaining food and oxygen and to explain getting rid of waste , and the form of their bodies are adapted to maximize the efficiency of For water flow . All water sessile animals and , although there are freshwater species , the which are some of the great sea ( salt water ) species , starting from zone to a depth at low tide using increasingly more 8 . 800 mtr . ( 5 , 5 mi ) . While some large more or less 5 , 000-10 , 000 species are known to consume bacteria and other food particles in the water , some host photosynthesizing micro - organisms as endosymbionts and these alliances Often produce more food and oxygen than they consume . Some type of sponge that lives in a poor food environment has Become carnivores that prey especially on small crustaceans . Most of the wear species sexual reproduction , release the sperm cells to fertilize an ovum within a water pot for that in most species are released and others are being held by mother . The fertilized eggs form larvae swim roomates in the track area to settle Regardless .

As one Fileum animals , sponges also features its own characteristics . The traits used to membedakanya from other animal phyla in order to study it properly .

Morphological characteristics of Porifera
His body has pores ( ostia )
Sponge body asymmetry ( irregular ) , although some radial symmetry .
Shaped like a tube , vase , bowl , or plant
Its color varies
Not switching area ( sessile )
Anatomical characteristics of Porifera
Has three types of water channels items, namely askonoid , sikonoid , and leukonoid
By means of intracellular digestion in koanosit and amoebosit
Examples of the types and Porifera
Types of Porifera . Already we recognize that spicules composed of calcium and silicate . With the basic constituent substance of sponge types can be classified . Here is a 3 - class or type and Examples of Porifera .

a) Class Calcarea , Porifera this first group have spicules made ​​of calcium . Usually live in the sea water is not deep or shallow . For example , Scypha gelatinous , and also Leucosolenia Grantia .

b ) Class Hexactinellida , this second group have spicules made ​​of grit or silicate substance . Her life at sea within , for example Pheronema sp . , Euplectella and also Regadrella sp .
(see also: pakan burung pleci)

c ) Class Demospongiae , this third class have spicules made ​​of grit and substance of protein ( spongin ) or just spongin alone . Her body was soft and did not have a skeleton . Habitat is in shallow sea , has a number of parts very much , for example Euspongia officinalis ( sponge bath ) , Spongilla , Haliclona , Microciona and also Corticium .


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